Stylized 70s Manga Shader (Mazinger Z) by Pierre Schiller

Hi. I wanted to create a retro manga shader following all the things I’ve learned over the years, including splitting materials and realtime compositing. I must say I didn’t think it was going to work. Nevertheless, not only the shader reacts to light, but it also can combine seamlessly with the rest of the style.

Here’s a closeup. It is always important to “break the edges”. I cannot stress this enough. If you want to stylize stuff, BREAK or BLUR the edges of EVERYTHING.

Here’s a quick video.
2 weeks of work in 2 minutes:

Let me know what you think!

This (plus old procedural newspaper material) was how I originally envisioned this completed model. But 20 days were not enough. I used a little bit of PS to complete this one:



Really incredible work, would love more info about the shader :slight_smile:


Looking good @PierreSchiller ! You have gone to a strong stylized look - and seeing you progress there and specialize there has been super nice.

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Would you believe I did this half-sleep?
I had to focus on what is achievable. There are so many ways a shader can be constructed…
And now I am able to port them to Unreal.

If you playback the video and pause it on the shader construction section, you may read the components. But I will upload a longer video about the shader, soon. This shader works with lights in the scene.
(I always construct shaders that don’t)…but I made an exception this time.


It looks great and impressive.

The only crit I have, if I can even call it a critique is that it could use more contrast in the overall render.

It’s more of a personal taste if anything.

Again, great stuff :+1: :smiley:


Ah! it looks “punchy”. :grin:
Yes, there are some things that still can be enhanced in the image.
I would have personally loved some sort of Mazinger Z shiloette in the BK to give it more context.
Also, I picked some grayscale values, otherwise people would’ve think this was a (direct) drawing on other sites.
I see what you did there by enhancing the halftones to a “pure” value. And I like it. :grin:
Feedback is appreciated.

Hey Pierre! I though this was such a good post that I published it on BN. Thanks!

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Outstanding work!

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Thank you for the opportunity!
Wow, I didn’t know the posts could be picked up directly from the threads.

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Well, I don’t do it a lot but it caught my eye :slight_smile:

on Blender Nation it seems the video cannot playback?

Weird - it plays fine for me!

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At first I scrolled past this thinking it was just 2D artwork. Which is to say, this is one of the most impressive NPR shaders I’ve ever seen. And it’s so beautifully sketchy. Natural looking “flat” shaded NPR styles are really hard to pull off.


I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!

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Whoops, I posted the wrong link. Frrrriiday!

You’re on the featured row! :+1:

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Thank you!
Also: I modified the thumbnail, but in the end, in the featured row, it was not take (by the code) as the actual thumbnail. I used imgur as an external host for the image.

Yeah you probably shouldn’t use an external link for that - the image is also not even showing for me in your post… If you fix it, and it shows correctly in your portfolio, the featured row will update too after 30 minutes or so.


Ok, I modified it. Retargeted an uploaded image, here in the thread. Hope that helps.