Stylized Knight - Game Ready Character

Hey everyone! This is my latest project! A stylized fantasy knight! I made this entire character as a fantasy stylized game character, and i am very happy with the outcome! Everything was made in blender aside from the textures which where done in Substance Painter. Let me know what you think! Full project here:



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Man, that’s dope! Did you sculpt the steel or make it by hard surface modeling? I have no experience in making stuff like that at all.

Hey thanks! i made a very rough and ugly sculpt of the armor to get a good feel for the shapes that i wanted and after that i modelled everything!

I think this is awesome. It might benefit from high poly to low poly normal baking for some of that inner finer detail. It’s way more time consuming to sculpt and model that detail, but it would play well on the armor. As of now, it looks like you are ‘faking’ normals by the texture…but they still read kinda flat.

It could be, however, that you don’t want the normal detail, and it’s a style choice…

Great work.

huh, funny you say that, because i did bake highpoly normals. The fact that you think i didn’t makes me think maybe it didn’t quite work as intended :confused:

(high poly version)

Shoot, the bottom pic looks better. Maybe I was tired earlier. Hmmm. The silver swooshes didn’t look as 3d to me before.

It all looks fine now. Jeepers I’m sorry. Something about the inner design that looked painted to me…

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Hahaha all good man, carry on.