Stylized Lamp - Kerosene

Hi, community!

The second lamp I’ve created for my World of Lamps collection is the Kerosene Lamp. In contrast to the first one, this lamp follows a semi-realistic style, and focus on some new effects I’ve learned so far: Glass Imperfections and Metal Edge Wear.

The process video “How I Made” is available on my YouTube channel if you’d like to take a look.
I hope you enjoy the video and gain some new insights from it.
Thank you very much!

The front view:

Before and After:

Some close-ups:

Materials with Procedural Textures:

Thanks for watching and have a great day!


I love it. Bravo :clap::clap::clap:

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I really like your work. I watched your video and I am impressed by your attention to detail and especially the aesthetics of each shape or texture. There you go, I admire your work and I like to follow it.

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Very nice materials and lighting.

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Thank you very much, :heart: @poco_rocko

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Thanks so much, @Memm @Denis63
Thanks for supporting me :heart: More artworks coming soon and I will try my best!
Have a great day!

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I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!

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Thank you very much, @bartv
Have a great weekend too!

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