Stylized scene

Hi :wave:t2:

Here’s my next personal project - I wanted to explore a toon shader and stylized scenes in Blender. Rendered with Eevee.

Models are from sketchfab, creators credits: SBonser, Elen, nadia_sob, 16874uy

My Instagram:



I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!

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Thank you!

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Beautiful style! The composition feels a little off to me though, with the center being so lacking of detail. I feel like if the elements were dressed more into the center with some breathing room on the sides it could be more satisfying. :slight_smile:

You’re on the featured row! :+1:

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Very nice style! What shader did you use or how did you created the material? Could you show the node setup you used?

Love the teapot and the flowers, and lighting in general! the only thing that i find a little odd is the shading on the croissant, it looks a little like it´s wet or plastic not sure if it´s the shadow or the material but i think that could be improved, but overall very beautiful scene!

Thank you very much!

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Thank you! Here’s a node setup for a teapot, all the materials were created the same way :wink: In case of teapot, cup, plate and vase I’ve added an emmision shader to have more glow in my scene.

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Pretty cool line style. Your camera orbits around an empty spot on the table, though, that doesn’t seem compositionally sound. It feels like there should be something where the camera is pointing, but there’s nothing. Your assets look cool and they deserve to be arranged better within the frame