Stylized Werewolf

New character in progress :joy::fire:

I like the blocking phase a lot :joy::heart:

  • any feedback is more than welcome.
    #b3d #GZR

This guy looks healthy and strong, it is really nice to see Pablo and Sergey’s work bearing serious fruit now (with high quality creature work now being done more inside Blender).

The left viewport could potentially be confused with Zbrush if it stood alone with the interface cropped out.

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Thanks a lot!
Pablo is a wizard :fire:

I am just a fan of Retopology :yum::heart:
not perfect but it will do the job.

Next: details, cloth, weapons … etc

again any comment/feedback is more than welcome
#GZR #b3d


The wolf style and design looks nice.

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Current progress with my Character

Blocking out some cloth (really early stage)

Blender 2.82
Let me guys know what do you think :smile:


Looking sweet! Is he going to be rigged? (facial expressions, etc).

Current progress of my Wolf :yum:

Blocking out some accessories
Using Blender 2.82

still a lot to do but yeah I am getting there :relieved::fire:
The toon shader you see is just the workbench viewport and you can find my setup here ( weird I know :joy:, but really powerful)

Comments are very welcome.