Subdiv from a active camera distance

I am trying to find a simple and effective way to create Subdiv levels based on camera distance.

I have tried several node configurations, but none of them work.

Is there any way to do it as simple as adding a modifier to the object without having to change the reference object every time and the camera to active one and some kind of threshold or different levels from a certain distance?

btw i know nothing about geo nodes: D


I don’t know why but simple geo nodes setup as only Subiv gives much worse performane than normal modyfier…

Welcome :tada:

You may search Level Of Detail (LOD)… there are lots of it… :wink:

The simplest way is to use a driver like so :

LOD_driver.blend (148.8 KB)

I don’t know how to set it up in a way that you can input several value depending on distances, but maybe some expression black belt might give a solution for that…

Basically we use the distance from the object to the camera, keep in mind that good values might change depending on the focal length so it’s far from being bulletproof especially if you like big changes in focal length…

Have fun !