Subdivide after making a hole

Hi, I’m not sure if this is a question I should give or not because it might be an issue I’m having due to my lack of experience. But I’m having issues subdividing an object in which I created a hole beforehand. Whether it is with an edge bridge loop or creating the hole “manually” (having only faces and then solidifying the mesh) the result from subdivision seems to be the same. I want the subdivision mainly to properly apply the texture and maybe smooth the corners a bit. Can someone tell me how to create holes without messing up the faces or causing whatever it is that’s causing this subdivision?

untitled (2).zip (4.8 MB)

here are examples of the subdivision

The basic problem here is that you’re combining modifiers that aren’t meant to be combined in the way that you’re doing it. Dropping the subdivision on top of bevels and holes and solidifies is subdividing everything above that in the stack, and in a case like this it’s not what you want.

Having looked at your file, at first glance - on the “full” assembly object, I don’t see why you have a remesh modifier in there at all…

  • Subdivision isn’t something i use to “properly apply textures”; subdivision changes the topology. Texture projection needs to be corrected with UV mapping.

  • Smoothing corners for a hard object like this… you don’t need to involve a subdivision modifier at all (you CAN, but it’s not required… some people love this, some people avoid it); you can just bevel corners with a modifier, or bevel the actual edges themselves when modeling.

It feels like you’re lacking a bit of knowledge on how to approach doing things with modeling hard surfaces - combining tools better for hard things + tools better for squishy things. You can do this, but there’s some … sort of rules you need to follow. So I recommend getting a bit more comfy with how some artists approach this. This might help:


There are some problems with modeling.
I attached the file after modifying it. Look at it and try to solve it.

sdd.blend (4.9 MB)

Using bevel modifier and Subdivision modifier together is laborious and difficult to manage. I think bevel modifier is enough.

However, if you want to use bevel modifier and Subdivision modifier together, you can set the bevel modifier option to weight.

Please refer to the video