Blender V: 3.1.2 Running on Ubuntu 20.0.4
I’m experimenting with creating a shape. Its not important its loosely a head and shoulders.
I started with a cube and did some extrudes and loop cuts. From tutorials, this seems a normal way.
things out, I add a subdivide levels 2 ( I have tried a few values.
It does some very odd distortions. In wireframe I cant see any rouge vertices.
Please would someone give me some pointers on what I have done wrong.
Thank you
Check your face orientation- there’s a checkbox for it in your viewport overlays (the two circle button at the top). Anything red, select that and do Mesh > Normals > Flip
Thank you.
I tried object mode Viewport Overlays and ticked face orientation.
Then edit mode, mesh, normals, flip.
Sadly it did not change anything.
Thank you for replying.
Thank you.
Well spotted that fixed it.
Sorry for asking for help for such a silly mistake.
Guess it shows I am still very much a beginner.
Im just attempting to learn rigging. May be make the head move around a little.
If I can work out how to add some arms then maybe even wave
The rig was a default one