Subdivide multiple edges without creating perpendicular edges?

Hi folks,

Probably a super simple question, but please take a look at the film below.

First, i subdivide and a single edge, and of course i just get some new vertices only on that edge.

Next, i subdivide two edges, and now, not only do i get the vertices, but perpendicular edges are also created.

But my question is: how do i subdivided multiple edges in one go, and only get new vertices but no new perpendicular edges ?

So, i want to end up with this result:

Any ideas?

Afaik not possible,
you can create a loopcut between them so no face get selected if you select the both edges,
after that disolve the mid edge.

The reason is blender tries to avoid ngons.

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Don’t select the two edges, just subdivide one at a time, the minute you do both together, Blender will assume you want to join them.

You might want to press F at last.

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Thanks guys, it was for something in geometry nodes, but now i found a better way anyway!

Ohh… then why not ask: how to subdiv specific edges with geonodes… and add the geonode tag then properly some geo-node masters would have answered…

haha, good point!

It was for this problem:

And i even saw this… :sweat_smile:
(Anyway: why didn’t you continue there ?)

I am!

I still have one more problem to fix over on that thread so please keep your eye on it!