I’m new in blender and trying to learn it using tutorials on youtube and udemy, I’m trying to model a car but stuck on handle, I dont know why this is happening but sub surf is not working on one edge of it, it’s not sub diving it, can anyone please help me here?
I don’t know the answer exactly, but you can select a few of the edges and Right Click > Subdivide.
If this doesn’tanswer your question, i recommend asking on the
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Blender Stack Exchange
It seems to me that you have some “impossible” geometry: The handle seems to be growing out of the middle of the door, with one edge having more than 2 adjacent faces. If that is the case, I’m afraid subdivision surface will not work as expected.
What you can try to do is make the handle separate from the door, either as a new mesh or just as disconnected geometry.
try to recalculate your normals, and dont use manifold topology (or impossible geometry)…