Subdivision modeling - where to place an edge?

Hi guys, could you please help me with these corners? They get arcs when smoothed. Is there a way to put edges smartly without having them running over the whole thing around? My inset faces don’t work…


If you post them in an example .blend, maybe.

You need to extend the inside control loops around the fold and run them parallel with the boundary edge until past the perimeter loop. Then if it’s on a flat face you can send the edge to a vert and end in a tri or whatever.

Inset kind-of makes a control loop, but it doesn’t go around the edge. (Which is where the webbing problem is.) You can work with what you have there in under a minute with knife tool and dissolving some of the edges you don’t need afterwards.

Dear guys, thank you for your advices.

Pauljs75_, did you mean something like that? It is the best way I found, so far… Looks like it works.


sheib1.blend (537 KB)

There are few problems

Overlapping edges. Remove doubles doesn’t remove those because there a long edge overlapping few smaller ones. select menu -> select by trait -> non-manifold to select, X -> vertices to delete. There’s also a concave polygon, and the triangulation creates an overlapping edge.

Center circle doesn’t have vertices even distance apart so the circular shape gets distorted.

It also has a much higher density than the holes/curves around, 8 for making a circle vs. 32. The reason uneven density can be a problem is because the targeted subdivision level of 2 is enough to smooth out most of it, it might not be enough for the smaller holes. Increasing the subdivisions because of those, it subdivides everything and creates more geometry than it would with even density.

The detail you were asking about needs support edge loops on both sides of the corner. Both ends of those loops are on a flat surface and surrounding hard edges and corners are supported with quads, so the result will be the same even if there are triangles. Could use triangles, but preferably not n-gons since those can distort with UV unwrap, and no concave polygons.


sheib2.blend (160 KB)

Oh god, thank you thank you, I praise you! tears a piece of the heart off and gives away