Submundo 2: Condenados -Updates

finally i finish the terrain of a beach.

Light System

I think flashlight is to small.
I can’t play this game it to scary to play lol.

Hi guys, new video.

Bathroom without texture and a Radio Studio.


New trailer is coming

how you make the noise effect?

It all looks pretty good but what I think you’re missing is atmosphere. Like I can tell by the flashlight and darkness and zombies that you’re going for a tense survival horror type game but the atmosphere of the environment doesn’t really reflect it. The objects are just kind of there but for a survival horror game you might want to try adding some degradation, a little rust and dirt and damage to the world to give it that more tense creepy vibe.

Thanks zymn, and carlo… the noise are bake with Ambient occlusion


Hi, new updates: Part of a mansion, resistance guy, and a uzi