Substance, free alternative


What free software do you recommend that has the same function as substance designer?


It’s called Material Maker.

Thank you for your help

Is it just me or do the procedural maps from: Material Maker have less quality than the procedural maps from Substance Designer?

Is there another software that performs this function and is free for me to compare?

thank you again

I don’t know if there are other programs. :thinking:

i’ve not tried either, but i’ve come across these two:

Do you believe that Material Maker generates materials with the same quality as Substance Designer?


I think it’s almost impossible for open source software to maintain the same quality as commercial software (capital + human resources)

Just use open source if you’re producing the level of results you need for similar functionality or choose business software if not. :slightly_smiling_face:

Having recently gone through the whole journey of trying to get good results for texturing using free options, I came to the conclusion that it just wasn’t worth the hassle.

I did mess around with Material Maker, along with 3d Coat, Armorpaint, Quixel Mixer and in the end bought Substance Painter via Steam as a one off purchase.

At this stage I’ve not really needed the features of Substance Designer, but if I do, that’s on Steam as well.

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Use blender with addons. It can do all you need.

Did you like ever open Substance Designer?
Tell us which addon will bring such functionality as: Tile generator/Sampler nodes ,Splatter, Flood Fill, Blur/Slope Blur, Transform nodes, AO.


InstaMAT has a fully featured free pioneer license. It combines Substance Painter and Designer into one app. I’m still new to it, since the app itself is very new but it’s very capable, especially as a Substance Designer alternative. The painting part still needs some time to truly shine