Subsurface scattering veins

Hello, Im applying very simple subsurface scattering to a material. Just 2 nodes attached to a Mix Shader. Materials shows veins that are not intended to be there. Major problem is when you animate veins remains no constant instead them randomly moves. Seems to be bugs in the interior of models.

2.80 cycles

Whats wrong ?

Post a blend or screenshots of your nodes as well as images or drawings of what you want.

I tested same material in a new file and veins are not shown

Additional tests: I just added a giant glossy cube. Cube reflects an image from a picture (photography) which is not intended to be there. I cannot find where is photo, I cannot delete it. Picture is not on any object nor sky.

I think this picture is what appears on subsurface scattering materials. Suggestions ?

Your viewport is set to lookdev which has lightprobes for testing different environmental lighting. If you weant to preview what your final render would look like then switch to the last one of the 4 shading modes in the top-right of the viewport(just above the nav gizmo).

Felix you are recommending switch to Rendered mode. Then you say photo is not being rendered on final render and this is not veins cause?

Thank you

Replying to the post just previous to mine, there. The reflection comes from the probe that is specifically part of the LookDev shading mode.

Alas, the docs page isn’t great, doesn’t even have a screenshot to indicate where to find the controls it describes. But it’s the four ball icons in top-right of the viewport.

consultar_vetas.blend (939.4 KB) consultar_vetas.bmp (1.5 MB)
this is the issue: subsurface scattering shows veins, is not uniform. When you animate veins dance or move themselves into material. Here is a blender file

hello . . . is anyone there ?

Ah, yes. Thats the denoising.

Heres what I got after changing some settings:

WaxyCubeSSS_DenoiseSettings WaxyCubeSSS_RenderSettings

thank you Felix, I’ll try