Suggested Improvements for Blender

I was unsure exactly where to post this but I have some recommendations for your next Blender version that comes out.

  1. I think it would be nice if you could save the shapes that you have created, and then be able to make a new one with the space --> add a mesh feature. This would help in a number of ways (I realize that this is already possible but my suggested way would expedite the process), for instance I create ships on Blender. For ever ship there are basic things that you would use on it, I.E. engines, weapons, wings, and although a ship may not always use the same wings or other desings, it would be extremly helpful to have it on hand.
  2. It would also be nice if there was a basic traingle shape.
    I have more but they are not coming to mind right now. If this is already a topic then please move my post to where the other topic is or inform me so I can move it myself. If not then please feel free to post other features that could help improve Blender! My above suggestions are for convienence only, so as to expedite what I do on Blender.

I would also like to express my perfuse gratitude that you made this amazing program free
and I really can’t express how gratefull I am. Its because of people like you that people like me can become more advanced concerning computer programs at an early stage in life. Thank you!

1)Just save a .blend file with all the parts you need, then append them into the scene as needed. This is just as fast as adding an object:)

2)Make a circle with only 3 Vertices’s, this makes a perfect triangle.


  1. there is also a library script where you can add .blends containing meshes that you want to re-use.

I’m realativly new to Blender so I didn’t think about that. Thanks! :eek:

By the way, I can do :eyebrowlift2: with one of my eyes :smiley:

  1. You can create group for each object you want reuse, they are listed in the add menu…
    and they will be instenced!

2.44 allows you to put custom objects to add -> mesh menu. See torus script as an example, .

This is just a suggestion, but one that I have been considering lately…

Allow Blender to connect directly to a database engine such as MySQL, allowing the functionality offered by ‘Blender Library’, and more…

MySQL already interfaces quite well with Python, and I’m positive that including it could only enhance Blender…

Allow Blender to connect directly to a database engine such as MySQL, allowing the functionality offered by ‘Blender Library’, and more…
I think you can use Sqlite via Python but it’s not as powerful as MySQL. Sqlite is fine for light use.