nice work !!!
I already put it up to the vote
I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!
Hello krazylamer!
The entire rendering feels just perfect to me! Very nice job!
If I may, I’m puzzled with one thing that you’ve succeeded and I’ve been chasing for decades; the girls is easily to associate with anime, but the scenery alone has also a superb anime feel, even if we took the girl out! But why!? I can’t figure it out. You seem to use normal textures, but everything somehow looks just right for the anime feel… is it the colors!? The type of scenery!?
Makes me want to see the anime. xD Looks really good. Found this on the features, well deserved, congrats.
Looks awesome!.. however the only critic I would argue is the girl, it kinda feels plastic and breaks the realism of the scene.
Other than that the environment is on point! nice work !
Is that Neptune from Hyperdimension Neptunia?
No. It’s White Heart (Blanc) from Hyperdimension Neptunia
Gostei da ambientação. Parabéns!
Looks totally awesome. Nice work. Be proud of this one.
Очень знакомый пейзаж
Странно. Вроде придумывал и головы, но на других ресурсах у кого-то этот пейзаж ассоциируется с Киевом, а у кого-то с каким то городком в Крыму
Это из-за забора слева и трамвая. А в целом красивая сценка.