Summer Witch

Sculpt of a summer witch, based on drawing by Caelys.

Making stylized transparent stuff still eludes me… So much tweaks in the compositor on that stupid hat to make it actually visible against the background :triumph:

Drawing by Caelys.

Edit: I’ve redone the color correction because the original skin was too blown out. Here’s a comparison:

old / new


Very nice! You captured the original artwork quite well. :+1:

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Excellent work both in the original drawing and the 3D reproduction. A bright fun and well expressed character.

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I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!

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You’re on the featured row! :+1:

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I saw your tweet about using Boolean to cut mouth, it was very smart. I urge everyone to check that out

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Oh yeah, I use booleans for more and more stuff lately. They’re just so clean and after you can turn on dyntopo, run the Detail Brush (+maybe some autosmooth) over the “seams” of the boolean to fix up the geometry.

This is two booleans, one for the interior of the mouth, another for the opening. It’s similar to carving a pumpkin :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


So beautiful work :heart_eyes:

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wow, the attention to details. amazing work.

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Your girl looks way better than original!