Sunday Coffee

Hi, this scene was my first attempt of baking normal map and paint with brushstrokes. I had a lot of fun and want to create more like this. Hope you like it. Thanks!

I used Blender and Photoshop in this project.
Rendered with Cycles.

Thank You. :coffee:


I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!

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You’re on the featured row! :+1:

Gorgeous! A little Wayne Thibeaud-ish…

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Hey thank you, i didn´t know this Artist and wow, thanks for another inspiration, i googled it and find so many cool paintings. Thanks!

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As annoying as it is, spending time with one of those art books or a museum exposes you to some amazing work and people, and things that look like they could have been made today.

You’ve inspired me to try to recreate a Thibeaud painting in 3D, without GaSp… :wink:

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