Sunflow vs Yafray

Both are great renderers, and right now, I’m rendering the WinOSi comparison scene on both.

I’m doing it on sunflow becuase there isnt an image from it in the winosi page.

Im doing yafray also, becuase I’ve never had decent GI results.
Yafray. rendered in 13 hours. Pentium2 400mhz, 256mb ram.
Im aware that there is no texture on the floor, and that the glass isnt reflective. This one is also a little bit dark. I used the path gi for this. ( thats what it is isnt it, when irradiance cache is off? )
Theres one thing I noticed; cuastics are better without cache. Cache seems to make them blurry. More AA would have fixed the noise, but that would take forever to render. I’ll try anyways.
Sunflow. Rendered in 3 hours. Pentium4 1.3ghz, 256mb ram.
Path tracing, around 20 samples. With the AA i used, 2 samples looked great. But it was a little bit blotchy in places. Would be nice if I could not interpolate the texture, and proporly anti-alias the meshlight.

Both would be better if the green wall and the grey one in front ( which isnt, but should be, there ) were invisable only to camera rays. This would create a slightly more accurate lighting, and allows you to see through it.

I used different computers for each image, ( I was rendering them at the same time ) so it’s a bit hard to tell while is really faster, although I believe Sunflow would be. Sunflow’s path tracer is way faster than yafrays, it seems.

Im going to try to improve on these. C&C welcome.

Just a little question, where do I d/l sunflow? or indigo, or any of these programs you guys have?! Oh yea, and the sunflow one pwned harder then yaf by far sunflow indigo kerkythea whole list of them


Oh yea, and the sunflow one pwned harder then yaf by far

No wonder, the Yafray render was done with a 400 Mhz with 256MB ram.

And the Sunflow one was done with a 1.3 Ghz machine.

Both programs should be benchmarked on the same machine and with the same settings, but I’ll try sunflow for sure

can you try for fun, to render the same image on the blender internal render, and look how it would turn out

Trash the 400mhz computer, and change the settings for the Yafray one so you get reflective glass. I know that the two render engines require different settings to look like each other, and I know that Yafray doesn’t support image maps.

What do you mean?

It does support image maps. Only .jpeg and .tga i think.

And I do plan on ditching the 400mhz. That will be a happy day.

can sunflow rendering whit textures?

I havn’t gotten image maps to work with Yafray, and I only use jpg…

Yes. The floor on the sunflow picture is textured

I actually think the Yafray one will render faster than the sunflow one with the same computer… I would render them both with optimized settings on your good computer, and sell the 400mhz computer on Ebay for $10.

Of course Yafray renders image maps!!! Just make sure they’re not packed into the blend file, because the Yafray parser won’t find them there.
And I’d like a copy of that scene. I’m sure with the proper settings I can render that in less than an hour in Yafray.

Im confident in yafray, could you post the file and il see if i can cut down render time and get better image quality? becuase i think i might be able to

Ah, that’s my problem, I always had it packed…

Sorry to say, but JPG is old stuff. I was designed to speed up the internet and save space back in the old days. JPEG is very lossy.

You should always use noncompressed images in Blender, mainly TGA or PNG.

How do you use this SunFlow, in Blender? Does it self-Install or do I have to do a few tricks to get it to work?

Does it appear in the Blender Menu like YafRay?

Right now, there is a plugin for XSI and python script for blender to export your models and a few basic settings into a sunflow scene file. If you goto the sunflow site ( ) you can get both raytracer and script/plugin.

No need to install; just unpack the 4 files. Then in a dos prompt or console cd your way to the sunflow directory and type:

java -cp sunflow.jar;janino.jar SunflowGUI

( note the caps ) If you are on linux or osx, i think you have to replace the ; with a :

There is also a thread lying around explaining how to create a desktop shortcut for it.

And linux?