
A piece of work made for my good friend… :grinning:


At first i thought: the most unrealistic is the mutlicolored cocktail… and the first hit with a search engine showed almost the exact color combo… congratualtions.

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If I was just shown this as a photo, there’s a fair chance that I wouldn’t think this was modeled.


I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!

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You’re on the #featured row! :+1:

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It’s all beautiful, in particular the protagonist of course.

All but one thing: the water in the pool. There’s no refraction, no volumetric effects and reflection is dull, it’s all too obvious that this is just a grid with some displacement and a transparency shader, that destroys the otherwise perfect illusion. I’d give it a bit more love, at least add proper refraction, the beautifully portrayed woman deserves that much. :slight_smile:

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it’s gorgeous! if I’m allowed to ask, how did you make the hair? did you use a particle system or did you try the new hair curves? it looks so good!

and what about the fuzzy little strands of the blouse? seems like real geometry to me, I know that VRay has the VRayFur tool and Maya the XGen to create such fuzzy/hairy materials, how did you do it on Blender?


Very cool. The image has a very refreshing feel to it. The hair is really cool!

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My eye was immediately drawn to that lovely drink


But seriously, cool drink
P.s. I like titles that make me tink

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I use blender’s particle system

Yes, then I realized that too!