Sunrise on Earth

Well, this was just a quick little project. A combination of Blender and the Open-Source program, Celestia, and post processing with the Gimp. Used the sun texture map by Runar Thorvaldsen. Took a screenshot of the sun in Celestia. Created the Earth in Blender using some texture maps and bump maps. Photoshopped the two images together in the Gimp. Added some lighting effects and lighted it up a bit.

Not completely photrealistic, but still pretty good. I’m posting this in the Finished Projects forum, though I’m still not completely done. I still want to do some blurring to blend the images a little bit better, but I’m mostly done.

Hope you guys like it. CC welcome and wanted!!


I think the biggest problem is that, unless there’s a new sun in the solar system that I don’t know about, the side of the earth facing the camera would actually be in darkness.

I am aware of that. I wasn’t really going for photo-realism. It had to be lighter to actually be able to see the features on the surface. If you want, I have the darker version available.

Pretty cool! but try make a blue halo (atmosphere) for the earth so it looks bigger :wink:

he used a flash. a BIG flash.:eyebrowlift2:

how did you photoshop something in gimp that doesnt make much sense at all thats like saying i gimped something in photoshop but other than that liking it especially because the new sun on the other side of the earth means i can tan 24/7

photoshopping is a general term for image manipulation. So I can say that I photoshopped an image, even if I didn’t use photoshop.