I’ve been working with blender for the past few months and recently I found about NomadSculpt app for the iPad which can be used to create sculptures and export them to blender.
Here are the result, let me know what you think!
Mario and the burger sculpted with NomadSculpt, the rest was made with blender and rendered with cycles.
I’m no sculpting artist by any means. But I have the Nomad Scuplt app and have played around with it. The entire app seems really powerful, and cool to see that it imports into Blender so well. Are you using GTLF to bring it in?
Yep, I export it using the GTLF and import it in to blender.
And indeed it’s a powerful tool, the mushroom burger was fully sculpted, colored and textured using the app.
And I’m no sculpting artist either haha, it took me about a week to perfect the models.