Super quick texturing, like in SketchUp?

I’m moving over from SketchUp to using Blender as my primary application for modelling, texturing and rendering. I work a lot designing exhibitions and interiors, where usage of 2D graphic prints, illustrations and type are frequently used. In SketchUp there’s a really handy feature that you can pretty much select any face, right click to make it a unique texture. SU will make a new texture file (a JPEG) and a UV for it. The texture can then be edited in a Photoshop in a single click and upon saving, it’s updated straight on the model in SU. Screenshots of this process are at the end of the post.

Is there a way to do very quick texturing of single faces in Blender? I’ve yet to find a way that doesn’t involve more steps to setup the UV unwrapping, then setup a material and node tree.

I completely understand Blender is totally different and has so more features than SketchUp. I think what’s always worked so well for me with SU, is the speed to be able to explore ideas quickly. And then refine them into final renders. If there was a quick way to emulate the speed of the texturing from SU in Blender. Once the idea is locked in, I can then go back and refine the texturing and UV unwrapping for more accurate representations in the final render.

Many ways to do this, you can paint directly on the object, project an image, or the workflow that you might be looking for to be similar to SketchUp would be to send the file to an external editor. Set your path in the preferences and in the Image Editor area of Blender choose edit externally.

I didn’t know about that. Thank you.

I also found that you can create a new texture, direct from the UV or Image Editor. Is there a way to auto-save that texture on creation? As it look like new textures have to be saved first before they can be edited in the Image Editor application.

Also, is there a way to automatically set the open image texture up as a material node?