Super tile

Hi guys

How can I make a tile like the one in the image below through a line created by procedural maps?

thank you again

This is a start, you can just scale this up to make the scratches smaller, like this:

scratches.blend (961.5 KB)

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is there any addon or file that makes an efficient tile for use in the shader editor?

Thank you for your help

I’m not exactly sure what you’re asking, but you can use the node setup I shared in my .blend, which creates something like the image you’re looking for procedurally

the file you made me is great.

I just wanted a generic tile addon with enough customization means to be ready for any next image.


Yeah, there are add-ons like that. I’d personally recommend saving yourself the money and learning to use shader nodes yourself, but if you’re just looking for a quick option:

But you’re going to end up paying a huge amount of money (IMO) for any of those, so again, I wouldn’t personally consider it worth it

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I wouldn’t. I’d use the source image (make sure its seamless) and rather modify position, scale (incl negative, say 0.8 to 1.2 and -0.8 to -1.2) and rotation in a per tile way where the tiles are generated using a procedural brick texture (for 2D coordinates). Set brick to generate between black and white “bricks”, then run the color through a 1D white noise for 3 different random colors, plus Hue if you want (using SeparateRGB and SeparateHSV nodes).

Don’t make everything procedural at all costs. Sometimes they just require far too many generators, slowing down more than the nodes used for random distribution.


@CarlG good advice. There is also a tutorial on how to make a pretty decent random tile generator, if you want to have even more variation

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I tried in different ways and it didn’t work.

how do i do it?


Do you recommend any free procedural materials site?

I will try to learn how to create procedural materials using examples.


I’m sorry, I don’t think I’m the best person to ask. Everything I know about proceduralism in Blender was self taught through trial, error, and experimentation.

I do highly recommend this method of learning. Start throwing random nodes together and adjusting parameters to see what happens. It’s a very effective way to solidify for yourself what everything does, and since it’s more interactive than tutorials, you’ll remember it and retain it better.

do you know how to create this procedural map?

Use my previous set up:

Add a MixRGB node between each Texture Coordinate and Mapping. Add one noise texture, use that as the second input for all the MixRGBs. Change blending mode to overlay, soft light, or linear light.

I’ve already tried this and I didn’t have a result similar to the example image.

thanks for listening