I wanted to try David Revoy’s chaos inspiration technique and it’s really cool. At first I was like “wtf, a bunny, but I wanted to paint something awesome, oh well I got no better idea anyway” but suddenly it was really interesting and I enjoyed it a lot. Hope you do so too:)
Pretty cool, like the rockets - original. Did you paint this in gimp? What’s the chaos technique?
Painted it in mypaint so far, the windows version which is unfortunately not nearly as new as the linux ones. The chaos technique I’m talking about essentially means that you generate chaotic shapes and try to identify something out of them. You should really see David Revoy’s painting timelapse from the durian blog. Just beware of the french accent
Did you use Alchemy?
Awesome pic man! Love it…as austen said, very original.
Thanks, since I didn’t have alcheny installed at the time, I simply used a semitransparent brush with varying thickness to paint random chaos in mypaint.
Continued on the picture a bit and started colouring it in gimp.
If you are posting any more images could you please optimise them for the web? 1.5 MB is too big, some people do not have the bandwidth or the time to download them. The least you could do is interlace them.
Very original! and I agree with organic, make them smaller.
Heh… Sorry for being lazy, I simply uploaded the full res png:s and linked them to a script that resizes them on the fly:o
I’ll upload some resized jpg:s instead…