Superior Iron man

Hi guys
Here is my take on Superior Iron man.
Been practicing the character design lately, and getting comfortable in Remesh sculpting.
Rendered in Cycles, final touch in Photoshop.
I hope you guys like it. :beers:


He looks superior!! :muscle:stunning work.


whats ur best approach to do these panels here tho , AMazing work btw

Thank you.
For the panels I usually start with the Draw Sharp Brush to get the design that I wanted, and then mask extract the area that I want to separate. The rest is just polish it with Scrape Brush.

I really like that you didn’t go overboard witht the details, yet it still feels very complex and compact, like how the suit would really be in real life

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ah . Thanks

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I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!

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