I want to:
Project a vertex into other surfaces.
(Have two layers of a mesh an cutter a hole in one and want to get the exact hole in the other layer.
Engrave symbols on a surfaces, symbols are meshes.
Thank you for your time .
I want to:
Project a vertex into other surfaces.
(Have two layers of a mesh an cutter a hole in one and want to get the exact hole in the other layer.
Engrave symbols on a surfaces, symbols are meshes.
Thank you for your time .
You need to explain (1) better. A boolean will do the latter part of the question.
Need more detail or a blend file to know exactly what you’re trying to do.
I want to project the cut I made in the front sphere to the one in the back so I get the same cut. Hence, the ball looks cracked.
What you can do:
you create a simple sphere.
you go into Edit mode and select the top faces and delete them.
With the Knife tool you create the cut you want and delete the faces.
you select your object and apply a “Solidify” modifier to it.
Thank you FreeAccess. Thank you so so very much. Your approach is more clearer, cleaner, simpler and faster then mine.
I’ll be using that way. You helped me a great deal. Again, thank you
Number one is solved is solved.