
I want to:


Project a vertex into other surfaces.
(Have two layers of a mesh an cutter a hole in one and want to get the exact hole in the other layer.


Engrave symbols on a surfaces, symbols are meshes.

Thank you for your time :smiley_cat:.

You need to explain (1) better. A boolean will do the latter part of the question.

  1. A boolean will also work, depending on how you set up[ your meshes.

Need more detail or a blend file to know exactly what you’re trying to do.



I want to project the cut I made in the front sphere to the one in the back so I get the same cut. Hence, the ball looks cracked.


I will create symbols as meshes and then I would like to Embbed them on to the smooth surface.
Symbols are not ready yet. But will be created soon


What you can do:

  • you create a simple sphere.

  • you go into Edit mode and select the top faces and delete them.

  • With the Knife tool you create the cut you want and delete the faces.

  • you select your object and apply a “Solidify” modifier to it.

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Thank you FreeAccess. Thank you so so very much. Your approach is more clearer, cleaner, simpler and faster then mine.
I’ll be using that way. You helped me a great deal. Again, thank you :smiley_cat::smiley_cat:

Number one is solved is solved.