Surrealism: Foot Gun.

Some surreal modelling I’m working on, a 3d rendering of a sculpture.

For bonus points, name the artist who made the original sculpture.

It’s a work in progress, I still have to model the gun. 100% Pure blender, used a poser figure as a referance, then box modelled using the poser mesh as a base.

Comments & suggestions welcome!

Note the interesting circular patterning near the knee… No texture applied, so whats causing it?



is that a giger work?

Alright, i tried doing that, and my leg wont bend that way. its like a harsh twister move :stuck_out_tongue:

i am guessing that you have a textured lamp thats causing the circles near the knee???

Well done! :smiley:


My uncle did something like that once… The story ended with him falling in me and pushing me down a failry high stair. I was to young to remember the whole thing now, but my mum told me about it… Anyway, great model! Maybe you could add a more interesting background and texture.

hej hou - guys please help me - i can see only image where is hosted by angelfire written thanks

vosa -¦-

great stuff, maybe just little tucks and pulls here and there, the gun also and you should have it =D

Weird/cool thing man. When is the gun going to be added?