
So I’m making a racing game, and I have no idea how to make realistic suspension (or suspension at all) without using the vehicle wrapper, and I really don’t want to use it. So if anybody has any clue how to do this please help me.

let us have a look at the model

Why not use the wrapper?

Normally I would show you the model, but I’m at school and don’t have it on me at the moment.
Also I really have problems with the wrapper always trying to flip my car upside-down, along with transmission-related problems, and general power problems, etc.

But anyways, here’s how I figure it:
Have a suspension point (an empty).
Have a tire (model).
Get the distance, this is the unloaded rideheight of the car.
Get the angle, this is the suspension angle (tire should always be this angle compared to suspension point).
Have the empty rotated in special ways (this is toe, camber, caster, steering, etc.)
And get the empty to put an impulse on the car and tire (complicated stuff).
The tire should rotate around the suspension point’s orientation for steering and whatnot.

The only problem is that I have no idea how to pull it off, I’ve tried everything from logicbricks to python + logicbricks, but I haven’t tried full python yet, because that’s a lot of weird matrix and quaternion and euler stuff that I don’t know anything about. So any ideas? Anything helps, and thanks anyways if it doesn’t.

i had this problam and eventually had to use the wrapper
click here

And I quote:

Hi Mikman,

Have you looked at the Blender Gamekit 1 that was just released as freeware? It has a racing demo (55wheels.blend) that doesn’t use the Vehicle Wrapper and it still works in Blender 2.48a. Pull it apart and see how they did it.


I see, I’ll go get it.

no need i did it just download this file open it and parent the car to the white box and press “P”

Thanks, I really don’t have an hour to waste downloading the giant zip, when I’m only going to use the 1 file. :cool: I’ll see how it works.

its not a zip and it took me less than a sec to download

Wait, the whole 200 some megabyte zip file thing over at ?

Wait, the whole 200 some megabyte file over at ?

I meant thanks for making it a single .blend, it would have taken me an hour that I didn’t have to download the whole 200 meg file at the blender website.