Swanky Cat is Swanky [ ANIMATION SHORT]

A quick animated short inspired by humans who can actually dance (meaning, not me =)

Music by Karl Casey @ White Bat Audio

The original sketch I brought inside Blender to guide me, so you can be sure I had no idea where I was going


What you’ve done with the shaders is fascinating! :smiley:

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Glad you like this, Shannon!

What Blender let us do with procedural shaders never ceases to amaze me… What’s not to love!

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I also like that only the head is a proper (very simple) mesh. The shapes that form the stylized body are simple Bézier curves. Now how convenient is that :dizzy:

A looped version on YouTube:

In olden days, in order to produce a single (!) image like this I would have to (1) define the main layout within Illustrator and (2) bring the resulting shapes within Photoshop for a painterly finish. Meaning: jumping between proprietary software without the many, many advantages of 3D.

For me as an illustrator, working with Blender means that every single visual aspect of an illustration can be defined, refined and rendered within a single open source software - not to mention that I can visualize, render and reuse the same setup from different angles. What’s not to love!

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