Swimming pool render

First time rendering a swimming pool (or a large jacuzzi). The water took the longest to do which was unexpected but at least now I know how to create relatively more realistic water. I’m still trying to figure out how to make the water reflect as well as being able to see through the bottom, just not sure what I’m doing wrong here. I tried adding a transparent shader combine with the existing settings with the water using a mix shader, with no luck.

Also used carbon fibre texture as the floor because I’ve never seen carbon fibre being used else where besides in cars.

Might tweak a bit more later. Hope its not too shabby though. Enjoy!

Great render! I can’t do water… Blender crashes if I try to use the simulator.

thanks, no its not done using simulator but using a combination of glossy and glass shaders that I found on the net, I can’t seem to find it now though. :frowning:

It’s a nice scene indeed. So then how did you do the water from a modeling standpoint. I’m just in the process of modeling a jacuzzi hot tub and I’m curious. You seem to be getting some nice caustics.

I tried to find the tutorial I couldn’t find it :frowning: I will keep trying. In the mean time I will upload the node setup for it. Hope this helps a bit at least!

Heh. Nice pool. I like the tip of a tree you put in that ceiling slit thing. That detail! Looks good man!

(By the way, is this supposed to be a semi-indoor pool or am I just blind not to see glass on the ceiling)

Beautiful render! For me Glass shader with 1.33 IOR works great for water.

Its indoor, but does it really have to have glass ceiling? :slight_smile:

Yes, it must have a glass ceiling, don’t you know “the rules”? LOL
I really like what you have done here, really cool! Not to sound backhanded, but I’m not really digging the floor, or the way the railings go into them(the railings themselves are kinda funky too). The wall could use a lot more gloss in my opinion, that would really blow this pic up :smiley: The room itself is KILLER, so is the water, and especially the lighting. Well done I say! :smiley:

This is a very interesting model and camera point-of-view. The only thing “wrong” with it, really, is the blown-out whites in the window … which presumably lead to blown-out whites on the surface of the water. (The opaque black shadow at the base of the door on the right of the screen is, in this case, acceptable.)

I would suggest dealing with the out-of-doors problem by simply comping in some (flat) background image into that place: give me something else to look at. It doesn’t have to actually be a source-of-light. You could then attenuate the colors that are bouncing off the water … so that there’s a sense of texture across all of it.

(Once again, you could “cheat” the existing shot here with some after-the-fact compositing: using the water-surface as a bump map, and a light-blue procedural noise-texture as an input, generate a plate of just that texture and comp it over what’s there now, “seasoning to-taste.”)

You can get away with this because the production values of the existing image are strong: it looks acceptably close to “a shot of The Real Thing, merely slightly over-exposed.”

It’s funny, because this is CG, we see a thing like that tree and see it as a good detail. But if this was a real photograph being critiqued people would probably be suggesting the tree be ‘cloned’ out. :smiley: Great render btw, water looks nice.

I’ve said it before, you have a great eye for achviz Gundam. This one is no exception:) my only comment is I think the water bump or displacement is a bit too strong…like the floor is vibrating…not so much like the natural movement of the water from the pumps. Try reducing is by 50% and see what you get. One of the biggest mistakes I see is the improper scale and intensity of water ripples making the scene look miniature. I think your scale is good just the bump is off a bit IMO:)

Also a background image would be nice too, a good HDRI should be good for that especially if you utilize some DOF:)

Great work keep it up man:)

Makes me want to jump in and have a swim, and I don’t even like water!

Thanks for posting your node set up on the water… I have a question though… take a look at the mix shader on the top right ( the one where the difuse ray get plugged into… should the output of that node be hooked up to anything?

Derek G might be right on the bump. I meant to say earlier, I really like the design of this room… makes me want to know whats around the corner.

crap I think the setting got messed up when i tried to add some transparency to the water (which I couldn’t do it) i forgot to clean it up. Thanks for letting me know.

Thanks for all the suggestions and feedbacks as well guys, didn’t have time to render with the new changes and I need to work on the railing again (I worked on them last night but not happy with it)

I’m still trying to find the tutorial on water, at least now i remember is from some google docs.

Here is the updated version

  • Reduced bump for the water
  • Glossy walls
  • Background image instead of overblown light
  • Fixed the wall texture a bit
  • Fixed the floor texture (shrank the scale down)
  • Redesigned the railing, now it looks like a heart, which was not intended but at least nicer than the previous
  • Tiny bit of DOF

Thanks again for all your feedbacks :slight_smile:

Good rendering.
I suggest to change the reflection of water,it should not be arc-shaped.

I like the changes Gundam…I think your problem your having with the water being non transparent is because the reflection value it too high. I would adjust it down until I could see fairly well to the bottom specifically in the area of reflection in the water where you can see the ceiling bottom left. The water should appear less transparent where the sky is reflecting due to it brightness. Here is an test with a simple shader I would use, the reflection mix is very very low:)

Thanks Derek, I’ve fixed the transparent shader and you can see the first step of the stairs below the water

Wow, great improvement. Feels so like the future.

(By the way, what did the tree turn into?)