Switch direction with round bevel?

I have a 3 point curve with round bevel… one endpoint is scaled to zero.so I get something like a snake.
If i select all 3 points and click “switch direction” the snake does not change the head and tail orientation.
For me not to understand.

Thanks for explaining if something changes, and if yes, what?

Switching direction ll not flip your curve point scale. (I supose you have used Alt+s on your curve points)

So what does it change?
First point gets last?
So if first point is scaled, in my logic the scaling should change place…

It changes the direction of the curve normals, which has an effect on operations for which the direction matters (like sweeping a profile along a curve).

Don’t think of control points as first or last. They are not defined by that. If the control point at coordinate 1,2,1 is scaled, whether it’s the first point or the last point (or somewhere in between if you add other points) doesn’t change when you change the direction of the curve going through that point. It remains at that coordinate, and retains the scaling you gave it.

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