Switcheroo V3




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would be fun to make a small upbge game using these or
a modal operator and bvhtree raycast

openXR works in upbge and in the viewport via an addon.
(let me know if you have any interest)

I honestly do not understand a word of this​:rofl::rofl:…but go wild

openXR = the wrapper for VR that blender has

bvhtree = a blender object can make a specialized structure for face selection / raytracing - we can raycast vs this using mouse input or openXR input to get a point in space*

upbge is a game engine based on blender - all the stuff that works in the viewport works in the game engine. *(upbge has a logic node system that wraps openXR for instance)

you can raycast → interface with your switches and make some sort of a game

I also have scripts to record gameplay and simulation nodes for offline render
(so you can play the game, record what you did, and render it offline and do like hours worth of animation in a few minutes)

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Oohh… I think I understand what sort of game you are talking about …I am not yet adept in doing that , however I am learning to, slooowly…but if you do end up making it…I would love to see it…that’s a good idea

I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!

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Thank you Bart

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