Sword (Cycles)

did you use simple subdivision instead of catmull clark in your multires modifier. simple will just subdivide a surface and if you start with a uv sphere it will eventually emphaise the individual faces that where in you base mesh. Catmull clark subdivides and smooths a surface but if your base mesh was not dense enough to begin with it can loose volume.

you just need to start with a base object that is dense so that when you use catmull clark subdivisions it won’t loose too much volume

Any chance you could share the settings for the gold material?..TY

I’m not sure who you mean, but since I did a gold coin, I’ll answer this. I was working in Cycles Render, so if you’re not familiar with that, this probably won’t make much sense.

But I used a Mix Shader, and combined a glossy shader, with a diffuse shader, dividing it by 35% Diffuse, 65% glossy. I applied a yellowish color to both, and then added an image texture to the diffuse shader to get the coin pattern.

I’ve included that below, I had to rearrange the image so it would work, then applied a slight bump map with the image. And that was pretty much it! Getting a gold color is easy, I just took some extra steps to make it look like an old worn coin, by lowering the glossiness, adding an image texture and a bump map. You could do it with just a glossy shader, and it would look fine.


Thank you that helps alot. :slight_smile:

Well, it appears to be a medieval sword design, in which case the blade would also be a less modern variety of steel, which means the blade should have a duller, darker shine than modern steel. But yes, it does look like tin or aluminium right now.