Fairly new to blender, started with a student version of 3ds max about 5-6 years ago and cannot afford such software for a hobby. Especialy when Blender is such a quality product.
This is what I am currently working on. Basicly the mesh is done, and Im now working on the textures. So and CC is welcome.
this is the reference information I am using (plus other sources)
The blade needs to reflect. Try using ray mirror set to 0.75. That should prevent it from showing only blue, as it is not completely reflective. Try going into the world settings and make some sort of cloud background with the textures. I can tell you how to get VERY realistic clouds like this.
By the way, nice wood texture, it looks very good, it just needs some bump mapping and different specularity settings.
Had a bit of time to work on the texture abit for the handle. The blade texture as you said does need some work. Any hints and tips welcome.
Is it possible to change the UV space for an object (would like just a plane projection along the blade) I have looked through the online manual and my blender book but cannot find anything.