Swordtember 2023, Day 26: Artificer


Absolutely love the concept, this is definitely up there in your top submissions imo


Thanks! The design was all done on the fly. I got stuck at one point not knowing how to tie all the elements together that I wanted. That heat sync looking part turned out to be the unifying key!

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I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!

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Woohoo! Thanks!

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Sick! Is the lightning 3D?

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Thanks! Yes, all of the lighting is 3D. The background, like all of the Swordtember pieces I have here, was added in the compositor.

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Great! You use an add-on?

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For the backdrop? No. I mixed a few black and white images of smoke and dust particles and plug them into a color ramp to get this look. There is also a fog glow glare node at the end of everything.

Two add-ons I do use in the modeling process of almost all of these are Booltool and Loop Tools. These just take a few steps out of some things that could be done without them.

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I ment for the lightning.

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Ah, no. Lighting for me usually consists of trying to get the silhouette lit from the edges and then fill in from there. An HDRI often helps too when surfaces are very reflective.

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Thanks! That’s cool!

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No prob. :+1:

LOL you said LIGHTNING, not lighting. The lightning is a bunch of billboards or alpha planes with the the color also plugged into the emission socket.


:rofl: That makes sense now!