T-90 Tank Visualisation

Created using Blender 2.65 and Gimp 2.8

For Wallpapers and More !! Please visit http://arkem8.deviantart.com/gallery/

Wonderful work, Arkem8! Your models always look very clean, very well designed. Are you using Freestyle at all in this render? I think I sense lines on the edges of the model, but can’t be sure.
Great texturing work as well. Do you have a tutorial or anything that documents your workflow? I would be very interested to learn how you personally enjoy working to achieve your results.

And I really enjoyed looking at your other works on your deviantart page! Will we be able to see Project Kavach anytime soon? I have a very important personal project I would like to begin work on in the next 2 or 3 years, and it also involves using Blender to achieve a more 2D style, so your work is very inspiring!


I agree with James, your model is very nice and seems “edged”, sounds good.
The background in the video is maybe too “colorful” for me.

Thanks for the kind words! The Kavach(Armoured Suit!) project is ongoing.

I agree with James, your model is very nice and seems “edged”, sounds good.
The background in the video is maybe too “colorful” for me.

I don’t see how the background is colourful(?), its a plain white BKG with the Chakra insignia and compositing. Thanks for the comment anyway.

I had no idea you were also the person who created the Convoy videos; you must be a very busy person indeed!

Thank you for your reply. When I spoke of your work as being very clean, I meant your models appear to have very organized and well thought out topology. They never appear to use too many or too few vertices to define their forms. I hope I’m explaining myself better.