T-rex World - A Dinosaur Battle/Simulation Game

A battle game where you are the T-rex, play your way through a host of levels as the vicious, mighty, terrifying Tyrannosaurus Rex.But be careful, there are all kinds of hazards in Hell Creek.

Battle as many different Tyrannosaurs.

, Sue, Stan
, Peck, Bucky, Thomas, Chomper
and more. A plethora of herbivores including…Triceratops
, Torosaurus, Ankylosaurus, Pachycephalosaurus and Edmontosaurus, Anatotitan.

There’s more than just plant eaters here, there are nest raiders(Anzu, Troodon), pack hunters(Dromaeosaurus, Acheroraptor, Nanotyrannus, and the Newly Discovered Dakotaraptor), river dangers(Mosasaurus ,Giant Crocodiles), other T-rexes and worse…

(this is one of the first versions) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0eSN8YxPQVU
(This is the second to latest version) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3bGZNjgLY7Q
(This is the NEWEST build) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fz7YV9wH7wM


It is still a work in progress.
Lets make BGE FAMOUS!!!

Hey! Looks pretty good. The models are very well…

nice work… animation, model, texture, game play, and blender

Thanks, I appreciate that :smiley: