Hi all, Took some time away from blender due to frustration with the learning curve. (It’s effing daunting) and this is my first render in a long time.
Rendered in cycles. I know it’s very simple, I’m mostly looking for material help. The wood is image texture mixed with glossy and a tiny amount of bump. The resin is refraction mixed with glossy and the blue tint is just a volume absorption node. Lighting is an hdri and sun lamp.
The wood is very glossy, but you can’t tell. The areas where the resin meets the wood looks glossy but I don’t think that’s very accurate compared to photos of resin. Also there are some very bright teal resins out there and some with textures in the volume. I played with the volume nodes lots to no avail.
Any tips, links, harsh words would all be very helpful. Thanks.
The wood does indeed need some work. I’m not great at texturing myself either but a tutorial I found usefull is this one:
Also it seems that you haven’t used a bevel modiefier on the table plate (correct me if I’m wrong) . Edges are never exactly sharp, adding rounding of edges slightly of will give a more realistic effect.