taking screenshots

ok i realize that this is probably adressed somewhere but i just cant find it.

how do you take screenshots?

i want to show my work in the wip section but i dont want a rendered picture of what i’m trying to show

When the render is complete, hit F3 and select a path and a filename to save the image to. Remember to type in the extension, I believe blender doesn’t do that for you.

That is dependant on the OS you are running.

Under Windows, there are many utilities (visit http://www.download.com and search on the terms “print screen”).

Linux also has various utilities, depending on your window manager. These can be likewise researched. (KDE 3.4.1 comes with it’s own Print Screen utility.)

Hope this helps, Bob

Under windows THIS might work :o :slight_smile:


Actually, in windows just hold CTRL key and hit the “print screen” key and it should be saved to the clipboard.

thanx for te help i think i figured it out

Actually you don’t need to hold Ctrl… Just hit Print screen once, and then “Ctrl + V” paste it into Paint for example.

Actually, holding Ctrl while pressing PrtScr takes a snapshot of the active window, while not holding Ctrl takes a snapshot of the whole screen. Atleast on Windows.

That never worked on my computer… so I don’t bother holding ctrl or “alt” as it should be :slight_smile: … Just take the selection tool afterwards.

It’s built in to blender: File->Dump Screen or File->Dump 3D View.


control+f3 or control+shift+f3 will work in blender on all platforms

they take [and open save dialog for] a screenshot of the blender window [3d view for example], or the entire blender window [3d view, buttons window… everything] respectively

For Mac OS X, press COMMAND + CONTROL + SHIFT + 4.

That turns your mouse into a selection tool. select the area of the screen you wanna take a screenshot of, and when you let go, it makes a camera noise, it will be copied to your clipboard.

HOLY CRAP… LOL :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

That’s the most friggin funniest thing I have seen in a long time!!!

Ante3, is that your actual finger and keyboard…?

BTW, for Linux (KDE) users. Printscreens works as well. But In linux you don’t have as good as copy-pasting as in windows. You can only paste an image in KDE-apps, like Kcolourpaint, when you have pressed printscreen. The GIMP may not work, although it suddenly did on my computer. They must have added KDE support or something to it.

And as noted, it’s ALT-printscreen that captures the window only, not ctrl.

It could be :wink: BUt I guess your already figured it isn’t… I searched it of google… , so I just post it here to show… I hope that’s okey.

Here’s the source http://cty.jhu.edu/writing/techhelp/screenshot.html

Sorry for that :expressionless:

Sorry for that

No need to be sorry… It just would have been very cool if it was your hand and keyboard :slight_smile: