Taking size from other object

Maybe this question should rather be in other section, as if I will move this topic to correct section.
I have a cylinder and a circle.

Circle ma stała wielkość.
I would like to make an animation such that when the circle is in this place

Changed the size to this.

and then reverted back to the original one.
Is it possible for an object to change its size based on another object?
I would be grateful for any help or hints.

You could use a shrink wrap modifier with an offset.

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You can use the weight proximity modifier to change the vertex weight of vertex groups depending on the distance to another object. If you use the same vertex group in, say, a cast modifier, you can achieve the desired effect:

But it’s probably much cleaner, simpler, and more generalizable to use geometry nodes instead:

size_from_distance.blend (137.5 KB)

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Your geometry node approach is great and you can turn the circle into a torus and it still works.

Thanks, It’s working when I use Snap mode to Outside :slight_smile:

Greets :slight_smile: