Tank Game WIP

Rob, that map makes nice progress :slight_smile:

Those are some nice canonshots :slight_smile:

The first couple of images are clear, but what is the lowest image showing? - I mean, obviously the canon in sideview with three different poly counts. However, the more poly count the apparently messier it becomesā€¦ Maybe thatā€™s just an impression caused by the GL render and flat view thoughā€¦

Also, not having played the original games, we probably will actually critizice way less than the original fans who have certain expectations, soā€¦ Iā€™d go for it and show us those too :stuck_out_tongue:

Some nice progress going on hereā€¦ :slight_smile: Good props, are you going to have some kind of baked lightmap / dynamic lighting for the landscape? It would certainly take the graphics to the next level. Oh and hi SyTrepT, interesting designs, but the viewport shader is not too good for showing them offā€¦ Try a simple ao render or something, it shows the depth and details much better.

Yeah Jorzi, but not in Blender. Right now, this being my first map, Ive decided to share it with all 3 games. I simply build the map as a multi-mesh model because there are 3 games I am designing for. Some of them want realtime shadow and lighting from a sun in the sky, so if I was to do any lighting it would probably ruin that for them.

Yes, the lightmap will of course be a separate texture with separate uv:s. Your current textures are really good, they indeed should have a flat uniform lighting as default.

First update inā€¦ how long exactly? Long story short, I just had back surgery about a month ago, and Iā€™ve been out of commission since. Iā€™m still in the recovery period, but that wont stop me from my beloved Blender!

Anyway, I just got done recreating the original version of each 1996 tank from Tanarus. We intend to use them for a ā€˜classic modeā€™ style of gameplay.






The meshes were built from eyesight. I do realize that the original versions look much better, but honestly the tanks in-game look nothing like that. Those images are merely taken from the website. Call them box-art if you will. The tanks in-game were much more pixelated. I created the skins in a pretty unorthodox manner. Since there wasnā€™t an already existing skin for any tank, I created them from in-game screenshots taken at different angles of each tank. Since the screenshots had to be taken from a fixed camera, there is some quality loss, but believe it or not, not much (this games graphics have always been very pixelated). I would have made custom textures, but for the classic mode, we decided to stay true to everything Tanarus was to the core. I also did not want to spend a bunch of time making new textures for a 2nd-priority task.

Small update. Just created a simple banner for our gameā€™s homepage. Needed to do something like this anyway to eventually learn how to do a decent render.


Good to see some progress on this :slight_smile:
The textures look quite good considering that you made them from screenshots of an old game :stuck_out_tongue:

Wow, in the classic mode model renders you STILL didnā€™t get rid of that BlueSkyofDeath (BSoD - The Blender Version)

But that banner render actualy looks pretty decent :slight_smile:
Good that you finally learned certain important features :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Haha yes thanks guys. More to come! Back on the saddle!

And Kram, I refuse to get rid of the BSoD because I know you love it so much muahahahah!

Hey rob, welcome back! I hope you have a speedy recovery.

those low poly models look cool, kinda remind me of hellbender (old windows game).

Looking forward to you next updates :slight_smile:

You know, your models would look more professional on a better sky colourā€¦ Blackā€¦ Whiteā€¦ a black-to-white Gradient.
All that would work.

Yeah, thanks Monthy! I am almost healed up. Thanks for the words too =D And yeah Kram, thanks but I think Iā€™ll wait til Iā€™m a little better at Blender before I try looking TOO professional heheh.

Anyway guys. Our pre-alpha super-early not-ready-yet release of a demo will be soon (about 2 weeks) and Iā€™d like to have a few people on our dev team learn how to make some maps. The way the original 1996 game worked is all of the maps were player-made, and it was almost like a contest to have them on the server every month. So I took the liberty of designing a simple template with pieces that very-closely resemble the same pieces used to build maps back then =D I even have the same textures used from back then, so we can build identical replicas of our favorite maps from the game!

The thing is, no1 on our dev team knows Blender except me. So I made an attempt to make a completely n00b friendly tutorial that will teach them the bare-bones of what they need to know. If you guys feel like it, give it a watch and let me know what you think, if its lacking anything, etc.

Watch it here

Also, I made a post about it here, along with a few questions I had, if you guys get the time. Thanks!

Iā€™d REALLY recommend, even if you donā€™t use it like that personally, teach alternate ways of controlling things.
Going to the view menu and finding the perspective toggle is niceā€¦ But itā€™s WAY faster if you just press Num5ā€¦

When you showed how to move pieces, you wrote ā€œpeicesā€ in the description :wink:

The problems you had with snapping with the one cube where based on your snapping options. Itā€™s set to closest vertex. You could do active vertex snapping too, although Iā€™m not totally certain if that actually works in object modeā€¦ For the scope of this, your solution is fine though, I guessā€¦

Seriously, it would be sooo much easier if you just used 2.5 for the template stuff. Itā€™s stable enough for tasks like that and itā€™s easier to handle.
One example is that 2.5 actually has a directly useable file preview. Memorizing a name before being able to put it into the program is kinda lame. - You pointed out the version of that in 2.49 which indeed is crashy. Thatā€™s a point where 2.5 is by far more stable.

At 6:30 you wrote peice again.

You donā€™t need to apply the array modifier right away. In fact the POINT of modifiers is their non-destructiveness
You could create multiple arrays on one object and when youā€™re happy, apply them all at once

Why do you seperate the useless faces? just delete them right away.

It would be WAY more useful if you scaled the pink ā€œfinal meshā€ grid in a way that the grid points are exactly where you want them instead of using two different grids. Thatā€™s just annoying and will sure put off ppl.
Btw, you can costumize your Blender floor grid settings so they arenā€™t divided 10 times each but more or less often and so itā€™s overally bigger.
In 2.49 you get those options in the rarely used view -> view properties.
There you can switch off the grid alltogether, aswell as axes or you can change the spacing, the Lines and the divisions of the grid into a subgrid.
You could, for example, set Spacing .25, Lines 100 and Divisions 4
The resulting grid is four times finer but the subgrid only has four divisions which the snap option snaps to.
For building a map form blocks like this, options like that would be way more useful.

You could first snap the corner of the pink plane to the corner of the white plane and THEN delete it.

At 7:50 grammar STILL didnā€™t change and you gotta write ā€œpiecesā€ too.

As the editor program will be Blender, couldnā€™t you allow much more freely made custom maps? Wouldnā€™t it be possible to do slightly hilly terrains or to have rotated stuff in general? - aswell as custom textures and shapes?
You could add a custom textures folder to allow the usage of thoseā€¦ Add a size-restriction to the texture which should be in a certain format and a polycount restriction per grid unit to the map and call it ā€œadvanced map modelling modeā€
A general polycount restriction should be added anyway.

There are a lot of unneccessary things for the user in this, that would be more or less trivial to change for your programmers.
One of them should look into the export script and figure out a way to not export pieces that have the default name (e.g. that arenā€™t duplicates) or not export the white plane but instead the pink one, which you could put onto a different layerā€¦ (However, just using the standard Blender grid with customized options should work too)
For a simple block-editor-like usage like here, you would certainly make pplā€™s lives easier if you used 2.5ā€¦ (Except of course if the exporter doesnā€™t work for itā€¦ HOWEVER, the pyAPI in 2.5 should overally be easier to use and allow WAY more useful featuresā€¦ If your developers merely looked into it for a bit, I donā€™t think it would take them too long to figure out how to port it.

Yeah, I am pretty dyslexic with Iā€™s and Eā€™s, I almost always get them backward haha; anyway, about the more advanced stuff you suggested adding, we actually WANT to keep it simplistic as far as ā€œpeicesā€ for now because we are only letting players build maps for the 1996 clone ā€œclassic modeā€ of the game; as for the tweaking and programming, we will make a map editor, but its not priority, so for now i just wanted a newb-friendly tutorial for any non-blender user to understand; i will try to implement the rest of your suggestions though, they are good ones; thanks for the advice dude; and dont mind the ";"s, i am just missing a key on this laptop atm

Just a quick missile I made for the new-age 2010 mode. These things fly fast so I didnā€™t spend much time on it, considering it wont be seen except in the form of a blur :stuck_out_tongue: Need to tone down the reflectiveness tooā€¦ other than that, done and moving on.


ermā€¦ Iā€™m actually thinking that if theyā€™re flying fast and if there is motion blur, you actually spent too much time on them xD
they could pobably work significantly lower poly like thatā€¦

Nice work though.

Yeah probably did spend more than i need to. I like to include the little easter eggs here and there though. For example, if anyone would happen to get a very lucky SC of it, they would see the TZRS-PHX891 on the side, which basically stands for ā€œTazarus-Phoenixā€ which would be the name of the game, and then the name of the type of missile.

As for the poly, it is 157 faces, and there is on average a maximum of 4-5 missiles on-screen at once, considering gameplay. The average norm I would say being 1-2. I think ā€˜set-smoothā€™ made it look higher poly than it actually is :smiley:

Anyway thanks kram. Here is a recreated drone using the same screenshot-skin method. Looks identical to the 1996 version, thankfully.


Drones constantly rotate horizontally. The up/down movement is the camera btw, not the drone itself. I didnā€™t realize how awkward it would look doing it in so few frames hehe.

Here is a sentry gun I made for the 2010 mode a while ago. Forgot to post it.


Some obvious lighting errors, but I was too lazy to fix it once I assembled the gif.

ā€¦your gifs become quicker and thus harder to properly look at^^

Nice works though :slight_smile:

Hmmm. Yeah Iā€™ll probably edit that with a better example.

Anyway, I spent some time really learning how Blenders shaders and materials work, and Iā€™m disappointed to find out that when I export, anything Iā€™ve done in materials does not carry over. I assume there is something I am doing wrong, some kind of step I am missing. Honestly I have avoided learning this for a while, so consider myself brand new to it. Is there some kind of ā€œapply materialsā€ step that I am missing here? I am exporting to MDL format, which is for GameStudio, but I notice it happens with other formats. Any insight would be helpful, considering the amount of FX I need to produce and that this is a relatively important aspect of what lies ahead.