Tank Game WIP

Really, anything that’s not carried over is entirely the exporter’s fault.
You gotta ask a dev guy for that kind of stuff.

I know in case of .obj, that you end up with two files, an .obj and an .mtl
.obj is the “object” and .mtl the corresponding materials.

If the exporter doesn’t export your stuff that either means it doesn’t yet support that or the kind of format you’re using doesn’t even allow for that.

Yeah I decided to abandon it. Seemed like a long road. Instead I will be learning GS itself (which has a very crude mini editor) to make any sfx I need. Thanks Kram.

Another small update.

Used some of my newfound Blender materials knowledge to make a transparent top for the landmine (red-team shown only):


And here is the deployable-shield equipment item with fixed animation. The shield itself isn’t there yet. We are still deciding on a look.


Heh, you created an excellent eye-appearance for the land mine :slight_smile:
Blender Materials aren’t that hard to figure out, huh? :slight_smile:

hey guys i dont know if this is still active or anything… or if you are still working on it or anything… but i want to help :smiley: i dont know how much i can help, but i can try to help… i think this is going to be a great game!

the stealthy one should be blue

larmannjan: Tanks are team-based. There will be different skins for each tank depending on the team the player using that tank is on (red, blue, grey, or green).

blenderlogic: We sure could use help as long as you don’t mind a relatively strict agenda or working for free (at least for now). I will send you a pm, thanks for your interest.


Ok guys, I know this topic has been down for a while, but there has been good reason. A few months ago, several members on our dev team had what you could call ‘rough times’ (family members dying, cost-of-life issues, etc) so morale has been low and motivation lacking if not non-existant. On top of this, a progress-halting bug in our $900 game engine arose, and we just recently managed to fix the problem. However, with a few motivational speeches and reinforcement, we have now resumed work on the project with the same goal, but a new directive. I will explain:

The original plan was to create a clone of a classic Sci-Fi tank shooter PC game from 1996, identical right down to the pixel. The unique case in this circumstance is that the owners of the rights to the game have officially abandoned it long ago after years of neglect and zero maintenance. The honest truth is that they would probably not recognize their own game if they sat down and played it themselves. Literally. Even if copyright issues did arise, we can easily switch a few graphics/sounds/names around to curb a lawsuit of any kind. The reason for this strict copy/paste motive is because the game has been played for so many years, and its players have a distinct feel for every aspect of it and play a certain way based on every miniscule detail. Any change would break the unwanted mold.

The second phase of the plan was to create a sequel to the original 1996 classic. New graphics. New sounds. New physics. Same game, just with a complete overhaul for modern day gaming standards. So far we have achieved this above and beyond expectations, and as opposed to the clone, we can always add in any new ideas and features, and that is what makes a sequel great. We are not limited by the seasoned status of the original 1997 game, and we can flex our creative muscles, implementing all kinds of ideas the original game should have had in patches and updates from then until it was shut down.

The above plans remain the same, to build a clone and a sequel. However, the way we plan to get there has changed a little. Until recently, we planned to use a single engine to build both games. The clone would have been built first, and then the sequel based off of the clones code and script, with tweaks and changes made as necessary and models being swapped out until we have an appropriate up-to-date feel that truly separates the sequel from the clone. This is most likely no longer the case. As mentioned earlier in this thread, there are actually several attempts to make a variant of the original game, believe it or not (four to be exact). We are but one of those four. However, a merger has been discussed, since one of the other games is already being built with the goal of being a true sequel (rather than a mere variant like the other 2 and ourselves). So rather than build two separate games with the same goal, the clone will be built on our Gamestudio engine, and the sequel will now be being built entirely in C++.

Is this a good thing or a bad thing? Honestly, we consider this an upgrade. Even though the choice for this change was made based on the fact that a few members of our original team either lost motivation or didn’t have time for a second game, it still proved to be a smart move in the end. The programmer working on the sequel who has joined us happens to know what he is doing and shows alot of talent. In the end, the sequel will be much more advanced than we had hoped. Most of our dev team is working on both games, while our programmers stay focused on their own tasks. With both games being built at once, we will actually end up making up for all of the lost time due to the engine bug and lost morale.

As for contributions, feel free to offer your services. I cannot guarantee that we will be able to accept everyone, but I will list some things that we do need or could use from people willing to contribute:

  • Basic knowledge of Lite-C language, willing to work with our programmer for the clone on things like physics, networking, etc.
  • Re-building the arenas from the original game. Requires only basic Blender knowledge. A pre-made template of pieces would be used.
  • Making maps for the sequel. Texturing/UVmapping is require and workload would be notable. Requires architectural creativity.
  • Advanced skill in creating textures and skins to be used for pre-existing models, based on their UV-map.
  • Experience in problem-solving errors that arise when exporting from Blend to FBX format with things like animation and textures.
  • Experience in creating custom sound FX. They would be based on original sounds from 1997, but with a new feel for the sequel.

Some of those we need more than we could do without, but feel free to offer any help if you have any talent that you believe could help us out. We never had any intentions of asking for help, but if it is offered, we will accept. We have a very laid back dev team and almost nothing is serious. If you decide to help and we can use you, we can’t offer any payment, since everyone is already working voluntarily. However, upon the games completion, you will be given any and all credit where due. This includes if and when the game catches on enough for us to consider a pay-to-play subscription for each new player. The original game would have been extremely popular if it had the advertising, but instead it was practically the opposite, swept under a rug by its owners. We hope that with proper advertising and a sequel, the game will eventually amass enough people to justify people paying to play it. The primary areas the money would go toward are: Payment for an online server, updating our teams hardware/software, and then as personal payment to our dev team, in that order. If we make it to that point, it is possible that anyone who makes contributions will be compensated with the money from the profit. If this doesn’t sound realistic, please consider we have already had over $1,400 in donations in the first 3 months, without a single request for one, and every single dollar has gone toward the game, none in our own pockets. We are not greedy individuals.

Ok, enough rambling. I will have an actual update on some modeling progress soon, probably something like a HUD cockpit design. Stay tuned.

Bah. My power supply for my computer in which I use Blender has crapped out on me. I have ordered a replacement and it is on its way in the mail. Should be a few days at most. The moment it arrives I will have something post-worthy. Thanks guys for the motivation.

nice to see you back :slight_smile:

Good Luck Rob. glad you are still on this.

Thanks, guys, for the motivational pushes. Ok, first update in a while. First off, I’d like to welcome blenderlogic to the project. Even after just joining, he has already popped out his first contribution, a flying attack drone:


Sexy. Glad to have you, man. I plan to texture it this weekend. Also, my new power supply has arrived, so my Blender machine is functional again. Yes! So I’ll be having some more to post on Monday, probably.

Here is an unfinished sentry gun I started yesterday. Debating on whether to have empty shell-casings discharged out of the sides as part of the animation. Firing will be much faster in-game. I’ve slowed the gun speed down here to give a better example.


Textures soon. Feedback appreciated :smiley:

Put the turret textures on hold for now. Started working on a HUD instead. I am tasked with trying to make the new HUD take up only approximately 1/5 of the space the original HUD took up. This is because everyone thought the HUD from the original '96 game occluded vision too much, and so the entire playerbase pretty much had it permanantly toggled off. I look at it as a fun challenge.

Here’s the original HUD:

Here is an attempt at a shotty remake using BMPs before we bailed and decided to go full-blown 3D model:

…and here is a sneak peak of what I have done so far:

Progress so far has mostly been about design and efficiency, so not much modeling-wise. To save tris, I plan to build the majority of my HUD displays within blender, screencap them, then UVmap the screencap to a much simpler surface. More tomorrow.

Here is an idea of how it will work. Was a pain due to the requirement of weight-painted armature animation. Needs to be cleaned up and colors are a little bright. Interested in feedback though, nonetheless.

Well, our programmer got to work on the turrets. He started with the chain-gun turret. It’s very early progress so some things are obviously off like the bullets being balls :stuck_out_tongue: Also, the turret in the video is an older version of the one I created now.

Here’s a vid

Finished geometry and animation for the railgun turret. Feedback welcome.

As for the shell ejection animation, the actual shell being jettisoned from the gun will be done in-game in real time and the shell itself will have physics to it, so that is why the shell disappears from the ejection bay instead of actually popping out.

Woooo! Looks very shiny and I would be glad to help. Wish I would have found this thread before it built up to 14 pages lol. Lot of reading. I started blending way back in the dark history of my 15 years of existance, and I’m not nearly as good as you are. Nevertheless, my imagination still exceeds my modeling capabilities, but I would be glad to do some concept-art and such. One big limitation of mine is my computer’s internet connection is 27 kbps and dial-up.

You can get paid for game development? That’s the dumbest idea I’ve heard since this kid suggested I plant baked potatoes to save cooking time! DO NOT PAY ME!

HA! I like you. And thanks man. I will send you a PM.


Basically it wil be a futuristic sci-fi tank shooter. Enter the game into a main lobby, chat with players in this lobby. Browse the arenas (maps tend to have an arena-design as opposed to a natural-world design, but we hope to change this. Choose 1, enter an ongoing battle of 5v5v5v5 (4 teams of 5). Choose from 1 of 5 tanks (each with different traits).Your tanks are looking really nice and well-modeled.can you tell more about the actual gameplay?

Sure, I will go ahead and revamp the first post. Sorry I didn’t elaborate enough.

i am a new blender user :frowning: and i saw it a little complicated … i swa you work is more than amazing , may you tell me some steps to play with blender easly ? plz …