Tank Game WIP

I did some railgun art, but it only made it as far as the scanner… time to learn to sketch in GIMP

Ha cool man. We can redo the rail gun I think. It isn’t fully to my satisfactory anyway. I think the concept art we could use right now other than that is:

  • Missile pod turret
  • Heavy-recoil long-range cannon turret
  • Some kind of electricity-building-up-and-then-firing energy gun turret
  • Some other kind of energy/laser turret

I will be back late tonight. Going to hang out with friends for a bit. Need a break :stuck_out_tongue: Take your time man. Like I said, even a cell phone picture would work for now as long as its not hard to see or anything. Thanks again.

By the way, let me officially welcome BGEProphet to the team. He willl be doing bumpmaps for now until we find more :stuck_out_tongue:

Got an absolute TON of textures and skyboxes compiled and ready to upload, and they’re all free! I’ll have to wait till I have high-speed internet tomorrow night to upload though… Copyright hunting drives me nuts.
The rail guns look more like energy turrets anyway lol

That’s awesome news man. Textures is what we can use for maps especially. Map design is definitely the titan of all tasks as far as modeling goes in our game. It is kind of a blend of looking forward to it and not looking forward to it at the same time, but having textures and a guy to adapt them to our needs will definitely make the job easier.

If you want, you can go ahead and make any textures that you think should be tileable seamless. Obvious ones like bricks or stones, etc. Only if you are bored and want something to do though :stuck_out_tongue: By the way, if I UV map a model and send you the .blend file, do you think you could create custom skin for that model? Just a question out of curiousity. We can handle it ourselves if not.

make any textures that you think should be tileable seamless

Most of them already are, and about 1/3rd have the diff texture, plus normal, bump, spec, and hightmaps to go with them. (Five maps per texture seems a bit much to me…)

if I UV map a model and send you the .blend file, do you think you could create custom skin for that model?

Sure! That’ll be much more interesting then concept art.

The great thing about this first texture pack that I forgot to mention is they are all free to use commercially too. As in no restrictions at all, except we cannot edit a few of them. I’m still getting the ones with no commercial use sorted from the ones I need to email people for permission to use, but there will probably be at least 1 more big pack on it’s way. Many of these request we mention people in readmes or credits, so I’ll compile a list of special considerations too.

I have a ton of textures I made for our older game. They are not too bad, but I am not at all good at making textures. I don’t know how many are mine or public but id say about 50/50 and theres a good 30-40mb. I will send you them sometime I guess so you can further your collection :stuck_out_tongue: Still have to peek into that texture folder you sent me ><

Anyway, I took the time to start up a map editor so our players can make maps for our game without any knowledge of Blender or 3D modeling. Basically I jury rigged Robotask with a bunch of complex blender commands made into simple hotkeys. For example, moving the objects around on the grid is the arrow keys, rotation is \ and /, etc etc. Here’s a vid.

More to come. The idea is to create a template of pieces and then snap them to the grid, easy peasy. The goal is to create a ‘map editor for dummies’ so anyone can make a map without learning blender. Anyway, I already ran into my first problem. I would like to know if there is a way to prevent meshes from snapping to other meshes/vertices. The way I have so far in the video works, but I’d rather get rid of the parented empty and instead JUST use the place-able pieces with maybe a lone vertex to snap to on the bottom, and somehow get the rest of the mesh to not snap. Any ideas anyone?

bop chat is down = [

I need textures for this map… for the otehr tank game… xD


Talking about original '96 textures? How would they work in there? I think you need to go custom buddy, but I have em if you want em. Also available from KG’s site, the map archives. Nice beveling btw :wink:

But yeah, bopchat and forums are down. Servers must be eating dust or something. Either that or the fat guy monitoring the screens tripped over the power cord reaching for his snickers again.

Mmmmm Snickers…

I just picked a random texture from that archive you sent me a long time ago. XD
I kinda wanna do like… blueish blackinsh gray color scheme… very metallic, with like tech looking stuff all over the place…

Heres some stuff I found on google images that are close to what I am imagining…

you feel me?

I think that would be bump and normal map hell lol. Looks sweet though. Maybe a spaceship level? Can tanks go in space?

Can tanks float? Can tanks shoot lasers? Do tanks have energy shields? Do tanks have cloaking devices? Lol maybe a special game mode in zero-g where you move using recoil…

SyTrep those shots are epic!! Did you make those!!??


Agh, bad news. My sexy wireless optical mouse finally kicked the bucket, and the desktop is too old to run Blender smoothly enough, so for now all I have is my laptop’s mouse-pad to navigate -- It’s horrible for using Blender, I’ll have carpal tunnel in a few days at this rate. So no further modeling updates from my end until the new one I ordered arrives >< Should be a few days, maybe a week or so at most. ;;

I didnt make those, but I’m about ot make somethign similar.

I can make the sky look like a giant orbital building/terran…
there would be no sky. just like a city floating in the sky.
the ambient lighting would be dark-ish, and the tanks would have self illuminating trim to idintify the team color.

Think TRON…

Here at Build-a-Tank-Game Inc., we dream big and live large, gentlemen.

…kinda like I’m dreaming of a new mouse WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!

Hehe I feel your pain. I mainly use my normalish computer instead of my laptop, but when I do have to use that thing… never mind

Lol your team name should be Build-A-Tank-Game Inc. that would be awesome. The only thing that could possibly surpass that would be We Do Not Use Inc.

Giant orbital rotating city sky would be epic! Unfortunately I have yet to see Tron =(


I have been popping around the internet to find out more about the FBX exporter for Blender 2.49. So far I’ve pretty much gotten the drift that it CANNOT export anything other than external 2d images (png, jpg, bmp) that are UV mapped. And in my experience, any kind of special materials in Blender (raymirror, specular, etc) do NOT get exported. I am hoping there is a way around this eventually. It hasn’t been at the top of my priority list but is getting there.

Does anyone know if the default FBX exporter can export Blenders internal materials settings? And if not, is there an updated exporter out there that can? I would be eternally grateful… Thanks.

Also, here’s a picture of the latest gun turret made by blenderlogic. Animation and textures soon.


Wow, SOMEONE is talented
Art teacher stole my sketchbook for grading so I can’t upload my concept lol.

I’ve no idea about the exporter. Sounds like a job for your scripter…
You “just” gotta find out those parameters in Bpy and how the corresponding values are called in your Gameengine and say “replace Bvalue by Gvalue” where B stand for Blender and G for Game…
That last Raygun design looks awesome :slight_smile:
Will those small arm-like things move when shooting a ray?

The menu music is awesome!
Your level editor came a long way but I fear, what you ask for isn’t directly possible in 2.49. I’m not an expert though.
Really, a level editor should be a minimalist version of Blender, only featuring the core modelling features and possibly being patched to even modify those apropriatedly…
Of course, that might be hell of a programmer job and I guess, first it’s more important to get the actual game working.
Nice tracking stuff, btw :slight_smile:

[double post]