Tank Game WIP

Thanks guys, and welcome back, Raven.

I might have to refresh some memories when I say that I am working with multiple different programmers in multiple different game engines. Right now I am setting up my models for the Torque game engine. They are being plugged into the game and we will have some new gameplay footage soon. Stay tuned.

DOWNLOAD & TEST (Players needed)

Speaking of which, we are having a test tonight on our Torque-built game, 60tons. This will be hosted in kcpdad’s game (60tons creator & programmer). The game will focus on physics and gameplay, so you won’t see any of the models posted here, yet. If you feel like trying it out, you can download 60tons here. Just join a server and get going. If you come from this forum, expect to see quite a few groupies and developers playing. This test will test the new tank collision, specifically.

More progress on the new map. Added a huge center structure to the flat ground that will serve as the map floor. The structure will consist of runways for landing aircraft up top, and service tunnels for personnel vehicles below; (remember, airport theme).

I wanted the center of the map to be flexible with different playstyles. The tunnels will offer cover while the above serves as a brawl ground. More details will be added for cover, so its not so desolate up top. I’ll post more progress soon. Suggestions/Feedback below, etc.

Some more progress:


Looking very good!
The detail is perfect, as aways :slight_smile:

Thanks alot, Raven. I have more added that I will try to post tonight. Hopefully an idea at an actual layout for gameplay soon.

It’s been a while since I have been able to sit down and model. Got some more stuff done today.

Some support beams and bridges for the tracks which will be placed throughout the map, and a just a rounded staircase which is an example of some smoother geometry to break up some of the boxy visuals. These are still a WIP.


Here is an overpass I started today.


It will take up a large portion of the map, and I will be abusing the array modifier doing it, so I want it to be appealing to the eye if it is going to be so duplicated. More detail on this to come, WIP, etc.

Change of pace for today. We started work on the HUD graphics. Shown below is a multi-stage color representation example of the tank’s different damage stages. There are two separate parts to the tank as far as ‘health’ goes: Shields and Armor. Here is an example GIF of how things will look for this portion of the HUD:


There are three shield damage states and five armor damage states. Depending on the health of each front/rear shield and the tanks base armor, a different PNG will be shown. Additionally, the PNGs are rendered in Blender from the original models of the tanks, so they will be an accurate representation of that tanks geometry.

When all is said and done, the HUD readout should display something like this (but with color):


…and this is how the turret-aim readout will show up in the HUD:


More to come on HUD stuff soon. Any suggestions/feedback welcome.

This is all looking very fantastic!
Can’t wait to these HUD parts in use!

Well, we do have the game up and running, but it is very alpha right now. I wouldn’t call it playable as much as it is testable, but when I can, I’ll put a video up of the HUD in action. If you’d like to test the game I can request a login for you. Just a name and password is required. Thanks again Raven. You are always checking out this thread and I appreciate it.

Anyway, here is some more progress on the overpass. Not much, just trying to do more frequent updates.


Just so you know. I’m one of those people who have subscribed to this topic and I keep an eye on it whenever updates come (I get an email). I can’t wait to play. If your testing environment works in Linux, I’d be happy to join that conversation.

In fact, this topic is the only reason I still come to this forum :smiley:

Kriv, that means a lot. I looked back through this thread and saw your previous posts. Thanks so much for following us. I will see about Linux compatibility. I have no clue, I just do the modeling. Our game engine is custom built, so I don’t see why that wouldn’t work. Thanks for following our progress. We also have a forum that covers more progress like the coding side of things as well as player feedback. It is a forum for our community of players from the original game, too, so you might see some conversation about the original game on there. Anyway, our home forum is http://forums.battleop.com/index.php. My name on there is “PapaDog”. Just send me a PM and I’ll talk to you on there if you wish.

Anyway, more updates here. Here are some crosshairs I started on. The timings are not accurate yet, but they show a reload process for each weapon type. Upon firing, the player will wait until the short crosshairs animation completes before firing again.

Mark I (Single-shot laser)

Mark II (Dual-shot laser)

Mark IV (Quad-shot laser)

AP Shell (Armor piercing round)

Frag Shell (Arching, piercing, artillery round)

Heat Shell (Arching, impact artillery round)

Some more progress with crosshairs for the HUD.

- Added width and contrast to crosshair lines

  • Added yellow color for reload frames
  • Added new red PNGs for when weapon firing is unavailable (out of ammo, etc.)



These will be shrunken down and harder to see, so the color pop is necessary.

And here is the ‘Lancer’ crosshairs. It is a weapon that fires a large blast of energy.


For anyone who is curious, to make these I just design them as a wireframe from a single angle, image render with transparency, then add color and thicken the lines with image editing software. But, these started just as wireframes in Blender.

Hello All
Rob and I go way back. I’m kcpdad the person behind 60 Tons the online PC only tank FPS game. I use some of Rob’s excellent work in my game. The game is fully operational so feel free to download it, join the server and take a tank for a test drive.
I’m always looking for testers. Since the game is playable testing simply translates into having fun. Since it is multiplayer it plays best when there are other players. To that end I host testing events whenever I release a new build which is usually every month or two. But I also schedule ad hoc events. E.g. you tell me you want to play tonight at 9pm EDT, then I’ll blast out an announcement and if we’re lucky we can get 5-10 players tanking and ganking(that means ganging up on a tank).
So give it a try and let me know what you think. If you are interested in helping out let me know. You can contact me via Facebookor email me, I use yahoo and my id is the same, kcpdad.
Thanks and I hope to see you in game!

linux much? :slight_smile:

Here is a new building I made today, part of the airport map:


Still needs work. Feedback welcome.

Here is a quick video of the current menu and HUD graphics:

…and here are the new crosshairs I created today.


Hopefully the new crosshairs will look better than the ones in the video. Feedback welcome.

Here is a video after an update with the latest crosshairs set.