Tank Game WIP

Got missile crosshairs done today:



Hey guys. Just wanted to thank you all for following my thread and our project. We are further down the road than ever, and the workload has been slowly but consistently growing. So, I just wanted to let the Blender world know that we are now looking for help with some texturing; Specifically, using 2D images with a UV map. At this time, we are looking for help primarily with the airport map and sentry turret guns (see previous posts in this thread). Here are some details:

- Any textures must be free-use. (We are fans of CG Textures.)

  • Must have regular experience with UV mapping.
  • No ‘materials’ knowledge required. (All fx are done w/ our game engine.)
    - Any content from our game must not be redistributed without permission as it is all custom and under our copyright license.

This is a volunteer-based project in which none of us get paid, so any work is considered a donation. Anyone willing to help will get credit for their work immediately on our home forum, as well as in the game credits upon the projects completion. Although money is a low-level priority for us right now, take solace that all contributions will be remembered and re-evaluated if the game ever does turn a profit, leaving the possibility for compensation in the future.

If you have interest in helping with texturing or anything else, email me at [email protected]. Just leave a short description of your skill set and some links to some example work if you have any. Thanks again, guys.

Very nice progress with the game, especially the HUD. This is coming together well!

I wish I could help with the texturing, but my skills aren’t particularly great in this field.

Hopefully we will be driving around in here next month, at least for testing purposes.

Video upload may be in progress.

Layout is temporary and a WIP, and not all structures were shown there. We first need to see how the physics play out. After some modifications, textures, and layout makeover, we will have ourselves a new place to drive. I am hoping that a visual boost from some updated graphics will give us a new momentum. More progress soon.

Very nice work!
Greatly detailed, once again :wink:

Hope to see more!

Thanks, Raven. I am hoping to have a testable/driveable download for you guys once the map is live. For now, we are still stuck with our older basic test map until this one is ready. More to come.

Here is the latest render of the test map layout. We are about to plug the map in and test physics. I will post some video results ASAP.

Video may still be processing.

Nice to see this map getting some color! :slight_smile:

It’s coming along great!

Thanks Raven. You have always been great for feedback.

Next step is to design a tank-friendly collision mesh for trouble areas where the tank will interact with the environment. This mesh is essentially composed of patchwork geometry that is rendered invisible to do things like smooth stairs to act like a ramp, etc. After that comes a new redesigned layout for a final draft, more additions and detail, textures, and we go from there. Eventually, I would like to have interactive map elements like opening/closing blast doors, collapsible bridges, etc. We have already tested these with much success, so expect great things.

Got back to work on the map recently. Here are finished textures and basic layout for the parking garage. Consider this a gauge of the graphics quality I intend to produce. Feedback and ideas welcome.


Robmontry1987 If you are designing your new game… Than I want be first play it…

Nice to see this back in development!
Great progress, as always. The garage looks very nice!

Just a thought: a few elements of the garage (the rims around the lights) look a little too bright in comparison to the rest of the colors, but that might just be me :wink:

Yup, you are right. I have to go back through on a second sweep and add in all the detail like signs and electrical cords and all that good stuff. I do these things as separate mesh components because they will be toggle-able for LoD options in the game menus for players with ‘weaker’ computers.

Thanks again, Raven. You are always great feedback. Here is some more progress on a building I finished texturing recently:


I was shooting for more uniform texturing, like you mentioned with those light fixtures. Feedback always welcome.

Really cool texturing job!
Quite detailed; I like!

looks good I cant wait to see the finished product.

Found some time to continue work. Got some early renders done showing off some textures. Lighting makes things prettier.

Yes, this looks great!
I do hope to see more! :slight_smile:

Thanks, Raven. More on the way soon.

hey bro ther eis a guy who made a filter 2 d pack. It will improve dramatically how the entire world looks. u should check it out!