Task 3.3/9.1 : Biomechanical Simulation of Dung beetles gait and flight - work in progress

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Work in Progress (2) - Task 3.3.1 : Biomechanical Simulation of Dung beetles gait

Task 3.3.1 : Biomechanical Simulation of Dung beetles gait - work in progress

Pealtrees collection
https://bit.ly/3RI3O8l , https://bit.ly/3RJlsIJ

Varipon official site
https://bit.ly/3v0FqF5 , https://bit.ly/3coWpKC

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Work in Progress (3) - Task 9.1.1 : Biomechanical Simulation of Dung beetles flight

Reference :

Varipon official site
https://bit.ly/3v0FqF5 , https://bit.ly/3coWpKC

Flow of trigonometric calculation for the formula of the voluntary movement

Work in Progress (4) - Task 3.3.2 : Biomechanical Simulation of Dung beetles gait - Rolling poop

Work in Progress (5) - Task 3.3.2 : Biomechanical Simulation of Dung beetles gait - Wing Chun

References :
Task 6.5.1 : The diamond rhombus configuration

Task 2.10.1 : Biomechanical simulation of the Yi Jing 易經《然天地者,萬物之上下也;左右者,陰陽之道路也》- 黃帝內經 素問 天元紀大論

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Ha, Ha, I always enjoy seeing your simulations! This one is really cute. :smiley:
I love it when he rolls the dung!


Work in Progress (6) - Task 9.1.1 : Biomechanical Simulation of Dung beetles flight

Varipon official site《 https://bit.ly/3v0FqF5

Task 3.3.1+3.3.2 : Biomechanical Simulation of Dung beetles gait & rolling poop (Full version - 完整版)

Task 9.1.1 : Biomechanical Simulation of Dung beetles flight (Full version - 完整版)

In connection with the demise of Queen Elizabeth II, I will tell you the story of the old wise man who built the foundation of the Commonwealth of Nations.

John Dee, an Anglowelsh neoplatnist and mathematician who owned the largest collection of books in Britain, was a “Magus” who fought for the sake of the English Renaissance while getting the favor of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth I.

John Dee studied magical Hermeticism in order to catch love and integrity, against a smug and brutal struggle over the differences in ideas repeated in western spiritual history. And also he traveled to Netherlands, where he met the famous cartographer Gerald Mercator and others, and studied mechanics and geography, which were not yet available in England at the time.

In the middle of the 16th century, John Dee produced “Peace” an Athenian Old Comedy written by the Greek playwright Aristophanes. So, he made a mechanical scarab and created a scene in which the scarab carrying ration and a person and flies to Zeus’s palace. That was the first time that a witty machine appeared on the British stage. It was an attempt to imitate classical theatrical effects.

Centuries before Ian Fleming would write James Bond into existence, another man signed letters with “007.” That was John Dee.

Download the movement modeling data
Integrated movement 331-332+911

Pealtrees collection
https://bit.ly/3RI3O8l , https://bit.ly/3RJlsIJ

Varipon official site
https://bit.ly/3v0FqF5 , https://bit.ly/3coWpKC

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One wouldn’t expect such amount of work on an insect. Good job.

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Thank you.
I have run out of time due to private matters since last year.
However, I will soon publish biomechanical simulations of giant millipedes.
Stay tuned.