Tavern in the Woods

Hi, here’s a Blender model I just finished… tavern from Kitbash, used GeoScatter for the scatterins’, some Polygoniq trees. The walking man was made by a fellow called Leonardo Carvalho which I found on Sketchfab and animated in Mixamo (the model not Leonardo).

For the fog volume I like to use a gradient node to push some emission up high to give the upper areas a bit of a glow. I hope you like it! Comments welcome.


i like it. :slight_smile: with the shaded version, given the lit area on the foreground, shadows on the roof, and what turns out to be your emissive fog, i thought the sky was more open that it is, looking at the wireframe. neat effect. :slight_smile:

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Hey thank you, that’s really nice of you to say

I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!

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You’re on the featured row! :+1:

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Looks great.
If I may give a suggestion, I believe moss and dead leaves on the roof would have helped with believability. It wouldn’t stay this clean with so many trees in close proximity.

greetings, Kologe

Thanks, you guys are truly awesome.

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That is an excellent pointer, that would have been a great addition, thanks! Maybe someone got up there with a leaf blower? :person_shrugging:

Great work! Especially loved the composition and lighting.

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