Tea with milk

Warm and cozy breakfast. :coffee: :cake:


You have found such a nice style. I like that very much.

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Cool. I just miss a piece of bread to give sense to the jelly there. It looks live you are going to eat jelly while you drink your tea.

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Very nicely done. I’d like to have a tea set like that …

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Thanks! Oh, I usually put the jelly into my tea :sweat_smile: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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So do I! But wooden dishes could be kind of impractical :sweat_smile:

Thank you! I decided to make a 3D puzzle game and the style idea came up itself. I think wood refers to childhood with little wooden toys and rounded shapes. :blush:

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??? why do you answer me, instead of give a compliment to Julia? :wink:

I wanted to agree with what you said and reiterate it. When you quote someone it automatically does that.

OK, tried to fix it.


I agree! You have come onto something very nice.

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Thank you!! :smiley: :hugs:

Wow , It’s beautiful. Also, your style is cool. Good luck :ok_hand:

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Thanks! :blush:

“Woodo” is going to be a game. Cool!

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I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!

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Thank you! :partying_face:

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