Teleport Script

Hi Im working on a Teleport script. If the Object touches a “Gate”, it should be transmitted to the empty. but what``s wrong here? It doesn`t teleport nor gives an Error.

import GameLogic as GL






Ok Sorry, After controlling the Properties, I found it.:o The script wasn’t used, so nothing can go wrong.

Hey Im wanting to make a game where you can push space in the game and you teleport to wherever a specific object is. I know that this script below makes my object snap to a certain position…

cont = GameLogic.getCurrentController()
obj = cont.getOwner()
obj.setPosition([4, 0, 0])

but whats a script that can set my object’s position based on where another object is?


cont = GameLogic.getCurrentController()
obj = cont.getOwner()
sce = GameLogic.getCurrentScene()
target = sce.objects[‘Target’]

Might work, but it’s untested.

Well, if this is the game engine then it should look like this:

cont = GameLogic.getCurrentController()
obj = cont.getOwner()
sce = GameLogic.getCurrentScene()
target = sce.objects[‘Target’]
obj.position = target.position

Is there something i did wrong on this script cuz nothings happening even after i set the Logic Bricks.

import GameLogic
cont = GameLogic.getCurrentController()
obj = cont.getOwner()
sce = GameLogic.getCurrentScene()
target = sce.objects[‘Target’]
obj.position = target.position

Have you tried looking at my teleport script for 2.5?
look at teleport!

Yeah, I assumed that you’re working with 2.49 by how you’re using GameLogic, but if you’re in 2.5, the API is different. It should be:

from bge import logic
cont = logic.getCurrentController()
obj = cont.getOwner()
sce = logic.getCurrentScene()
target = sce.objects['Target']
obj.position = target.position 						

If a script doesn’t work, look at the console for an error. If the console isn’t visible, go to the Help menu and enable it.

ah… I meant to say 2.5 not game engine. And shouldn’t it be:
obj = cont.owner
instead of
obj = cont.getOwner()

This thread is a mess of do this…

Ah, Excaliburr’s right. I kept in the 2.49 method of referring to things - he’s right, it should be:

Yeah, I assumed that you’re working with 2.49 by how you’re using GameLogic, but if you’re in 2.5, the API is different. It should be:

from bge import logic

cont = logic.getCurrentController()
obj = cont.owner
sce = logic.getCurrentScene()
target = sce.objects['Target']
obj.position = target.worldPosition                         

I’m even getting confused with all these comments. Here are 2 examples one for 2.5 and one for 2.49. Tested and working.


Press Spacebar to move the cube to the empty named “Target”

Hope this helps -

Thanks alot guys! It works now. Im also trying to make a property that can randomly choose a certain value. I made an integer property and i want it to randomly change its value from 0 to any number no greater than 15. How can i do this? Do i use the Random Sensor or some script?

Check my random example in my sig.:slight_smile: